Beyond the Bamboo Screen

Compiled & introduced by Tom McGowran OBE
Beyond the Bamboo Screen: ‘The few Scots whose words appear in these pages are extraordinary men and women. We read this book with incredulity, with humility, with tears and with pride. Had the atom bombs not been dropped on Japan, none of these storytellers would have survived. Beyond the Bamboo Screen is a chapter in our history that must never happen again.’Dr Diana M Henderson, Research Director, The Scots at War Trust
Beyond the Bamboo Screen
Scottish Prisoners of War under the Japanese. Extracts from Newsletters of the Scottish Far East Prisoner of War Association and other sources.
Compiled and Introduced by Tom McGowran OBE
Foreword and Illustrations by G S Gimson QC, Chairman of the Scottish Far East Prisoner of War Association
ISBN 0 9535036 1 5
Price £9.99 (+pp)
Publishers:- Cualann Press, 6 Corpach Drive, DUNFERMLINE, Fife, KY12 7XG, Scotland
Tel. & Fax : 01383 733724
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