Rice Time
Author: Tom Gylee
Tom Gylee joined the RAF at the outbreak of war - "because I liked the uniform" - but it was no use to him when he was captured in Java in 1942. He subsequently found himself a POW on the hell island of Haruku building an airstrip. Tom gives a chilling account of his time on Haruku, suffering unimaginable privations beyond human endurance. In 1944 he was transferred back to Java on the 'Maros Maru' more dead than alive. This is a small book but compelling to read and what makes it all the more interesting is that Tom clearly has a sense of humour and that obviously helped in his determination to stay alive.
Book available from:
Tom Gylee, 2 Cedar Avenue, Cherry Willingham, LINCOLN, LN3 4BQ
Price: £6.95 including p & p
Cheques payable to Tom Gylee