Unsung Heroes of the Royal Navy & Royal Marines

Author: Pam Stubbs
Les and Pam Stubbs originally recorded the 'Unsung Heroes of the Royal Air force'. This publication provides a comprehensive record of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines who in World War 2 were prisoners of war of the Japanese. A Roll gives the Full name and service number of each of the these Far East Prisoners of War (FEPOW's) and the countries in Which Held. Included for those who did not survive is the place and date of death and where buried - or, for those with no known grave, the memorial where Commemorated.
Price £15 inclusive of post/packaging
Please make cheques payable to Pam Stubbs
Soft Cover 144 pages A5 laminated Cover
ISBN: 978-1-907516-11-5
Buy this book from Pam Stubbs :-
143 New Road
B60 2LJ
Publisher: Tucann Books
Year Publication: 2011
Tel & Fax: 01527 873452