Sunday, August 14, 2022
10:30 am
COFEPOW will mark the 77th anniversary of VJ-Day on Sunday 14th August. This commemoration of the Allied Victory over Japan will allow people to come together to remember the heroism and suffering of their forbears, most of whom have now passed out of living memory.
Following last year’s restrictions, the same larger numbers that have attended historically may hopefully return; it is important that as many people as possible visit the NMA to join the AGM and meet old andnew friends followed by a wreath laying at the FEPOW Memorials at 1.00 p.m. and a Service of Remembrance, in the Aspects Conference Suite, at 1.30 p.m.
The Trustees of COFEPOW would be delighted if you can attend this year’s VJ-Day Commemoration Service. The COFEPOW AGM, which will be held in the Aspects Conference Suite (situated where the marquee used to be) is usually very well-attended, as members can listen to progress made within the COFEPOW charity in furthering its aim of establishing and maintaining memorials and promoting educational material. The Accounts will be reviewed, and attendees will see where donations are allocated and how the charity is run generally.The Trustees and other Officers of COFEPOW will also be on hand to answer any questions you may
Tea/coffee and biscuits will be available after the AGM, when you can chat and get to know other members.
Agenda of the day’s events National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, Nr. Lichfield, Staffordshire.
10.30 - The AGM will commence in the Aspects Conference Suite
12.00 - Break for lunch
13.00 - Salute at the FEPOW Memorials - The Last Post
13.45 - Return to the Aspects Conference Suite to attend the VJ-Day Commemorative Service
14.00 - Tea/coffee and biscuits and a chance to gather and meet friends
16.00 - Finish
The AGM will commence at 10.30 a.m., and should terminate at around 12.00 noon. At around 12.45 p.m., members will be able to make the short walk to join the service at the FEPOW Memorial Building and Grove, where after the laying of wreaths will take place.
If you think you would like to attend the AGM and/or the Remembrance Service, it would help us in reserving seating and organising catering, so please reserve your place, as soon as possible, with Chris Wills, COFEPOW Events Organiser, 74 The Greenway,Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B73 6SG. Tel: 0121 244 7263 or email