Saturday, August 15, 2020
12:28 pm
VJ75 – Update 2. Postponement of Events
VJ 75 takes place on the 15th August 2020 and commemorates the ending of the war against Japan in 1945.
This is quite separate to the ending of war against Germany which was on the 8th May 1945.
Due to the ongoing COVID19 virus the Trustees of the charity at their virtual meeting yesterday have reluctantly decided that the events planned for this at this day would be unlikely to go ahead, and even if the restrictions on movement were lifted there would be considerable numbers of people unable to attend due to their age and/or vulnerability until the risk of infection was at a very low level.
The intention of the charity is to run the events in 2021 as a VJ75 +1 so the FEPOWs can be properly honoured for their sacrifices and their spirit that enabled the survivors to get through it all.
Further information of the rescheduling will be given in due course.
David Brede
Acting Chair of Trustees
This year marks the very significant anniversary of one of the twentieth century’s most momentous events - the end of World War Two. The 15th August 2020 is the date selected to mark the Allies’ Victory over Japan, known as VJ-Day.
VJ-Day 75 is being honoured across the UK, as organisations, families and friends, made up of descendents of those brave servicemen, women and civilian internees, come together to remember both the heroism and suffering of their forbears, many of whom have now passed out of living memory.
Saturday 15 August 2020.
The service at Lichfield Cathedral will start at 2.00 p.m. and finish around 3.00 p.m. Tea and coffee will be served in the transept aisles for all COFEPOW members and their guests. Dinner at the Aspects Conferencing Suite, NMA, will commence at 7.00 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. There will be a three- course meal at £19.60 per head, followed by tea and coffee. Efforts are continuing to find an appropriate after-dinner speaker (more details next issue).
Sunday 16 August 2020.
The AGM will be held in the Aspects Conferencing Suite in the NMA building at 10.30 a.m. This should terminate around 12.00 noon and the service at the FEPOW Building and the laying of wreaths will follow at around 12.30 p.m. Lunch will be held in the Aspects Conferencing Suite at 1.30 p.m. There will be a 2-course lunch (at £16.00 per head), followed by tea and coffee. Keith Osman has been invited to provide a talk on the Hope Robinson Letters and again efforts are on-going to appoint an appropriate after-dinner speaker.
NB: It is worth pointing out that over 600 people attended the commemorative service at the cathedral to mark the 70th anniversary of VJ-Day, so numbers are expected to be significant and early booking is therefore advised.