Welcome to this newsletter – my name is Nikki, and I am the events co-ordinator and a COFEPOW member myself. I relayed some of my story to you in the April newsletter and now I am here to start working with you on bringing us and our FEPOW stories closer together.
COVID changed the world and we all had to adjust our lives, HOWEVER, take a moment to think about how our FEPOW’s lives were changed when they were imprisoned. It is our responsibility to rekindle memorial events, where we can all exchange stories and honour all those who gave us the freedoms we have today.
Today’s world throws many challenges at us all, however, we are united at COFEPOW events worldwide, whether it be in person or with the aid of technology, (via simulcast, podcasts, YouTube etc.) - don’t worry, those of you who feel you are technophobes, as we will make it easy for you – I have senior members of the family who have agreed to be my test guinea pigs!!
When you joined COFEPOW many of you completed a “FAR EAST SECTION” detailing your FEPOW background information.
Due to new data protection requirements, I need to ask you to complete this information again, so that we can add to our database, thereby making it easy to summarise specific groups, (camp, regiments, ships etc.)
(Since I first joined in 2012, I have certainly learnt so much more about my FEPOW)
We are here to make this information collection as easy as possible:
- I will be sending out an email with a form to complete and return.
- We will add a form to our website in the events section for you to complete - click here to view form
- You can post us information about your FEPOW and post it to me at - download form here
COFEPOW, 4 Swan Meadow, Pewsey, Wiltshire SN9 5HW
We already share a bond, namely, our FEPOW and I am here to encourage as many of you as possible to become involved.
It is a BIG JOB, but working together I KNOW we can succeed.