Eden Camp Modern History Museum is a large, wartime-related museum near Malton in North Yorkshire,which occupies a former WWII prisoner-of-war camp of 33 huts. Housed in this unique setting, the museum offers a broad insight into all aspects of the social and military history of WWII, as well as WWI and post WWII conflicts.
The museum has now asked COFEPOW, the organisation which exists to maintain memorials to the many thousands of British and Allied servicemen and women who suffered so cruelly as POWs in the Far-East theatre of war, to establish a presence at Eden Camp to promote the charity on 15th August - VJ-Day. COFEPOW members Annette and Stewart Hughes will represent the charity at the museum and will be on hand during the day, when up to 800 visitors are expected.
COFEPOW has almost 2000 members across the UK and overseas (almost all of whom are the descendants of FEPOWs) and was founded in 1997 to take over and continue the role and assume the responsibilities of the National Federation of Far-East POW clubs and associations. An entirely voluntary body, COFEPOW today maintains the FEPOW Memorial Building and Grove at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffs and assists in marking commemorative events around the country, to ensure the memory of POWs held indeplorable conditions in South East Asia during the war is not forgotten.
Eden Camp was voted ‘Best Educational Day-Out in Yorkshire’ in 2018. The museum’s immersive displays bring history to life, encompassing a whole host of subjects and themes, from art, religious education and citizenship, to geography, design and science. As the museum itself focuses on its educational role, encouraging school pupils and adults alike to experience the sights, sounds and smells of life on the home front,the front line and within POW camps, the invitation ties in with the COFEPOW National Enterprise Challenge Primary School Competition, set up to foster awareness amongst school children of the trials of 1941-1945 captivity in the Far East. Information can be obtained from Jayne Greene at email jayne@ijmmedia.co.uk
For further information, contact Eden Camp, Malton, North Yorks YO17 6RT, email: admin@edencamp.co.ukor COFEPOW at cofepow.chair@gmail.com.