The trustees of COFEPOW have produced a new poster and leaflets to advertise and promote its plans to hold a special 80th anniversary commemorative service at Lichfield Cathedral.
The service, which will be held on 16th August this year, will accompany the COFEPOW AGM as usual, over the same weekend.
The poster has been produced free of charge, bar the printing, and is sized in A3, A4 and A5, in full colour. Copies are available to all Area Co-ordinators to distribute and post (where permission has been obtained) in local community halls, church receptions, schools, colleges, sports halls, leisure centres, clubs, pubs and so on, to inform the general public of the event, and to encourage participation in this commemoration.
General members of the COFEPOW charity are also eligible to distribute the poster.
Please contact Chris Wills on email: chriswills5071@gmail.com for more information.