On Saturday August 14th the Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society will host the 14th FEPOW (Far East Prisoner of War) Day event to be held in Taiwan. As usual, it will be held at the SPOT THEATRE (台北之家-光點電影院) - 18, Zhongshan North Road Sec. 2 (台北市中山北路二段18號) in downtown Taipei.
Being that this is the 80th Anniversary of the start of the Pacific War, we are featuring the award-winning movie “They Were Expendable”. Made in 1945, produced and directed by John Ford, it stars Robert Montgomery and John Wayne. The film focuses on the battle of Bataan and the demise of MTB-3 and its men, who expend themselves trying to slow the Japanese advance in the Philippines. It is a famous WW II movie that you won't want to miss.
There will be a collection of WWII POW and military future museum artifacts on display as usual, and a short memorial service to honour the FEPOWs and civilian internees will take place prior to the movie being shown.
Everyone is invited, but space is limited this year to a maximum of 30 persons, due to the covid-19 virus. Reservations are required – no-one will be admitted if they have not registered and only the first 30 people registering will be admitted. So be sure to register early to be assured of a seat. Please supply your mobile phone number for contact tracing purposes when you register. Masks must be worn and temperatures will be taken.
Note: This year due to virus restraints no drinks or snacks will be served, so if required please bring your own personal liquid refreshment.
The new book “Never Forgotten” which tells the story of the Taiwan POW camps in WWII will be available on a reserved order basis. If you have not yet purchased a copy and would like one, please indicate that when you make your reservation and it will be waiting for you at the event.
The deadline for reservations is set at 5:00 pm Wednesday August 11th, so please kindly let us know ASAP by email if you’re planning to attend. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the event will begin at 6:30. If, after registering, you find you are unable to attend please let us know so we can give your seat to someone else.
There is no charge for this event, the film is not suitable for young children and does not have Chinese sub-titles.
Please note: reservation emails will be acknowledged – and especially so in the case of a requested book. We look forward to seeing you on August 14th.
Email: society@powtaiwan.org